
dry hop creep

How an External Brewery Lab Can Make You a Better Brewer (and grow your sales)

Since launching Rockstar Brewer Labs in late 2018, it’s been great to see so many breweries engage in a conversation with me about how a lab can help them grow beer sales through enhanced beer quality. Often, however, when you chat with a brewer and tell them about all of the data they can acquire […]

How an External Brewery Lab Can Make You a Better Brewer (and grow your sales) Read More »

How “Dry Hop Creep” Causes Diacetyl In Beer and How Brewers Can Minimise The Risk

Introduction Have you ever wondered why your perfectly good, diacetyl free IPA left your brewery in a good state only to find that it picked up diacetyl some time later? In this article, I’m going to break down what may be happening in your beer. Each month, Rockstar Brewer Academy members get together online for

How “Dry Hop Creep” Causes Diacetyl In Beer and How Brewers Can Minimise The Risk Read More »