Thanks for being part of the Rockstar Brewer Academy Community!

Renew now and stay part of the Community that helps you on your continuous improvement journey at your craft brewery.

Select Your Renewal Type

Save 21%
Rockstar Brewer Academy Membership - Annual Renewal
USD$1,997.00 every year
US$1,997/year. Get 2 months free!
Rockstar Brewer Academy Membership - Monthly Payment Plan
USD$199.00 every month
US$199/month. Save 6%.
Rockstar Brewer Academy Membership - Weekly Payment Plan
USD$49.00 every week
US$49/week to smooth your cash flow.

Billing details

Your order

Product Subtotal
Rockstar Brewer Academy Membership - RSBA Annual Payment Plan  × 1 USD$1,997.00 / year
Subtotal USD$1,997.00
GST USD$199.70
Total USD$2,196.70
Recurring totals
Subtotal USD$1,997.00 / year
GST USD$199.70 / year
Recurring total USD$2,196.70 / year
First renewal: 10 November 2025

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